Stephan Lin
- 25-09-2022 15:00
Richard Strauss Institute | Garmisch-Partenkirchen | Germany - 23-07-2022 16:00
Designliga | Munich | Germany
The Taiwanese tenor completed his Master’s degree in concert singing with Prof. Olaf Bär at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden. During his studies he was a scholarship holder at the International Hugo Wolf Academy Stuttgart. Stephan performed in several productions with the choir of the Dresden Semperoper, including “Cavalleria Rusticana/Pagliacci” at the 2015 Salzburg Easter Festival under the direction of Christian Thielemann. In the 2018/2019 season he appeared at the Regensburg Theatre. His lied, oratorio and opera repertoire ranges from baroque to modern. Among his numerous engagements as a soloist, his recital debut with Hugo Wolf’s “Italienisches Liederbuch” in the Johannissaal of Schloss Nymphenburg in July 2019 and his role debuts as Tamino (“Die Zauberflöte”) and Alfred (“Die Fledermaus”) with the Freie Landestheater Bayern in the 2021/2022 season stand out. In autumn 2022, Stephan will also make his debut as Uriel in Haydn’s “The Creation” under the direction of Alexander Kuhlo. As part of the Piano Summer Festival 2022, he will soon give two recitals in Munich and at the Richard Strauss Institute in Garmisch Partenkirchen. In addition to his singing activities, Stephan devotes himself intensively to his heart’s desire “breathing and singing technique on the flute” and has already been able to successfully convey this new approach to the students of Prof. Julie Stewart Lafin’s flute class at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen in workshops.